Одновременно поменялись таблицы стилей, описывающие вид выводимых экранов.
По этой причине мод, изменяющий размер аватары, сделанный для прошивки PR1.1 и PR1.2 не подходит для PR1.3.
Я сделал собственный мод, который увеличивает аватар и размер клавиш "снять трубку" и "отбой".
//Including the carmode styles of call-ui @import "carmode-call-ui.css" // * Plugs the carmode styles for callui * /* NOTE: Telephony layout guide was built using 35px status bar. Here we assume using the whole page height (screen height -status bar) and add the -1px correction into any value relative to available screen height. */ // *************************************************************************** // ** CONSTANTS ************************************************************** // ** screen (page) dimensions ** @const PAGE_HEIGHT : 818px; // == full height (854px) - $HEIGHT_STATUSBAR (36px) @const PAGE_WIDTH : 480px; // == full width (480px) @const PAGE_HEIGHT_LS : 444px; // == full height (480px) - $HEIGHT_STATUSBAR (36px) @const PAGE_WIDTH_FULL_LS : 854px; // ** CallWidget ** @const CALLWIDGET_SIZE : $PAGE_WIDTH 544px; @const CALLWIDGET_SIZE_MINIMIZED : $PAGE_WIDTH 64px; @const CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO : $PAGE_WIDTH_FULL_LS $PAGE_HEIGHT_LS; @const CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO_MINIMIZED : $PAGE_WIDTH_FULL_LS 64px; @const CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO_MAXIMIZED : $PAGE_WIDTH 380px; // PAGE_HEIGHT_LS - 64 // ** Avatar ** //@const AVATAR_SIZE : 64px 64px; @const AVATAR_SIZE : 256px 256px; // ** InfoPanel ** @const CALLINFO_SIZE_NORMAL : $PAGE_WIDTH 124px; @const CALLINFO_SIZE_NORMAL_MAX : $PAGE_WIDTH -1; @const CALLINFO_SIZE_MINIMIZED : $PAGE_WIDTH 64px; @const CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEO : 592px 85px; @const CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEOPAGE_INCOMING : $PAGE_WIDTH 124px; // FIXME: random value @const CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEOPAGE_INCOMING_MAX : $PAGE_WIDTH -1; // FIXME: random value // *************************************************************************** // ** Window overrides ******************************************************* MWindowStyle { x11-startup-pixmap:; startup-fill-color: #000000; } MWindowStyle.Portrait { x11-startup-pixmap:; startup-fill-color: #000000; } MWindowStyle.Landscape { x11-startup-pixmap:; startup-fill-color: #000000; } MApplicationWindowStyle#DisabledStatusMenu { status-bar-style-name: "CommonStatusBarNoMenu"; } // *************************************************************************** // ** Container (application page) ******************************************* #CallApplicationPage { offset : 0 0; minimum-size : 100% 100%; preferred-size : 100% 100%; maximum-size : 100% 100%; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; background-color : #000000; background-image :; } // *************************************************************************** // ** CallAvatar ************************************************************* #CallAvatar { margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; preferred-size : -1 -1; minimum-size : -1 -1; maximum-size : -1 -1; background-color :; background-image :; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; } #CallAvatar:pressed { background-color :; background-image :; } #CallAvatarImage { margin-left : 100; // Определено эмпирически margin-right : -356; // -100-256 (-(margin-left)-$AVATAR_SIZE) margin-top : -276; // -20-256 (-(margin-bottom)-$AVATAR_SIZE) margin-bottom : 20; // Бля! Почему "+"? padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; preferred-size : $AVATAR_SIZE; minimum-size : $AVATAR_SIZE; maximum-size : $AVATAR_SIZE; } #ConfCallAvatarButton { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-shadowed-background $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color :; text-color :; padding-left : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-bottom : 0; icon-size : 40px 40px; icon-align : center; margin-left : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-bottom : 0; text-margin-left : 0; text-margin-top : 0; text-margin-right : 0; text-margin-bottom : 0; preferred-size : $AVATAR_SIZE; minimum-size : $AVATAR_SIZE; maximum-size : $AVATAR_SIZE; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; } #ConfCallAvatarButton:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-shadowed-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color :; } // *************************************************************************** // ** CallInfoPanel ********************************************************** CallInfoPanelStyle { margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; padding-right : $MARGIN_XLARGE; padding-top : 8px; padding-bottom : 0px; background-image :; background-color :; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; } #CallInfoPanel_Normal { minimum-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_NORMAL; maximum-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_NORMAL_MAX; preferred-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_NORMAL_MAX; } #CallInfoPanel_Minimized { padding-top : 0; minimum-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_MINIMIZED; maximum-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_MINIMIZED; preferred-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_MINIMIZED; } #CallInfoPanel_Video { minimum-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEO; maximum-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEO; preferred-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEO; padding-left : 0px; background-color : #000000; background-opacity : 0.30; } #CallInfoPanel_VideoPage_Incoming { minimum-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEOPAGE_INCOMING; maximum-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEOPAGE_INCOMING_MAX; preferred-size : $CALLINFO_SIZE_VIDEOPAGE_INCOMING_MAX; // FIXME: hack for pushing buttons down a bit to workaround some // serious insanity with MGridLayoutPolicy //margin-bottom : 72px; } // *************************************************************************** // ** Buttons **************************************************************** MButtonStyle:disabled { background-image : none; background-color : none; text-color : none; } MButtonStyle:disabled-selected { background-image : none; background-image : none; text-color : none; } #CallUi_EndButton { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-reject-background $CORNER_MARGINS; preferred-size : 210px 64px; minimum-size : 210px 64px; maximum-size : 210px 64px; icon-align : center; icon-size : 48px 48px; press-feedback : priority2_callbutton_press; release-feedback : priority2_callbutton_release; cancel-feedback :; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; } #CallUi_EndButton:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-reject-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; } #CallUi_EndButton_Video { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-reject-background $CORNER_MARGINS; preferred-size : 230px 64px; minimum-size : 230px 64px; maximum-size : 230px 64px; icon-align : center; icon-size : 48px 48px; press-feedback : priority2_callbutton_press; release-feedback : priority2_callbutton_release; cancel-feedback :; margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-top : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-bottom : $MARGIN_XLARGE; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; } #CallUi_EndButton_Video:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-reject-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; } // Кнопка Redial 8) #CallUi_RedialButton { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-answer-background $CORNER_MARGINS; preferred-size : 210px 128px; minimum-size : 210px 128px; maximum-size : 210px 128px; // preferred-size : 210px 64px; // minimum-size : 210px 64px; // maximum-size : 210px 64px; icon-id :; press-feedback : priority2_callbutton_press; release-feedback : priority2_callbutton_release; cancel-feedback :; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold uppercase 2.2mm ;//22px text-color : #F5F5F5; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 24px; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; } #CallUi_RedialButton:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-answer-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; } // Кнопка отмены в экране входящего вызова #CallUi_RejectButton { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-reject-background $CORNER_MARGINS; preferred-size : 210px 128px; minimum-size : 210px 128px; maximum-size : 210px 128px; margin-left : 12px; // 24px / 2 margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; icon-align : center; icon-size : 48px 48px; press-feedback : priority2_callbutton_press; release-feedback : priority2_callbutton_release; cancel-feedback :; } #CallUi_RejectButton:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-reject-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; } // Кнопка "Снять трубку" в экране входящего вызова #CallUi_AnswerButton { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-answer-background $CORNER_MARGINS; preferred-size : 210px 128px; minimum-size : 210px 128px; maximum-size : 210px 128px; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 12px; // 24px / 2 margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; icon-align : center; icon-size : 48px 48px; press-feedback : priority2_callbutton_press; release-feedback : priority2_callbutton_release; cancel-feedback :; } #CallUi_AnswerButton:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-answer-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; } #CallUi_SendMessageButton { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-general-background $CORNER_MARGINS; preferred-size : 210px 64px; minimum-size : 210px 64px; maximum-size : 210px 64px; margin-left : 12px; // 18px -buttom group left margin margin-right : 12px; // 24px / 2 margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; icon-align : center; icon-size : 48px 48px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; } #CallUi_SendMessageButton:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-general-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color :; } #CallUi_IconButton { font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm;//18px text-color : #8C8C8C; vertical-text-align : vcenter; horizontal-text-align : hcenter; icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-color :; background-image :; margin-left : 0px; margin-right : 0px; margin-top : 26px; // button margin (22) + separator bottom margin (4) margin-bottom : 0px; minimum-size : 95px 87px; // full height (113) - top margin (26) preferred-size : 95px 87px; maximum-size : 95px 87px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; text-margin-left : 0; text-margin-top : 5px; text-margin-right : 0; text-margin-bottom : 0; text-wrap-mode : nowrap; text-eliding : false; } #CallUi_IconButton:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_IconButton:selected { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_VideoButton { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-shadowed-background $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color : none; preferred-size : 210px 64px; minimum-size : 210px 64px; maximum-size : 210px 64px; icon-align : center; icon-size : 48px 48px; icon-id : "icon-m-telephony-video-call-button"; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 24px; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; content-opacity : 1.0; } #CallUi_VideoButton:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-shadowed-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color : none; } #CallUi_VideoButton:disabled { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-shadowed-background $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color : none; content-opacity : 0.3; } #CallUi_SpeakerButton { font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm;//18px text-color : #8C8C8C; vertical-text-align : vcenter; horizontal-text-align : hcenter; icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-color :; background-image :; margin-left : 0px; margin-right : 14px; margin-top : 26px; // button margin (22) + separator bottom margin (4) margin-bottom : 0px; minimum-size : 95px 92px; // full height (113) - top margin (26) + text margin (5) preferred-size : 95px 92px; maximum-size : 95px 92px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; text-margin-left : 0; text-margin-top : 0; text-margin-right : 0; text-margin-bottom : 0; text-wrap-mode : nowrap; text-eliding : false; } #CallUi_SpeakerButton:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_SpeakerButton:selected { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_MuteButton { font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm;//18px text-color : #8C8C8C; vertical-text-align : vcenter; horizontal-text-align : hcenter; icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-color :; background-image :; margin-left : 15px; margin-right : 15px; margin-top : 26px; // button margin (22) + separator bottom margin (4) margin-bottom : 0px; minimum-size : 95px 92px; // full height (113) - top margin (26) + text margin (5) preferred-size : 95px 92px; maximum-size : 95px 92px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; text-margin-left : 0; text-margin-top : 0; text-margin-right : 0; text-margin-bottom : 0; text-wrap-mode : nowrap; text-eliding : false; } #CallUi_MuteButton:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_MuteButton:selected { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_MuteButton_Video { font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm;//18px text-color : #C8C8C8; vertical-text-align : vcenter; horizontal-text-align : hcenter; icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-color :; background-image :; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; minimum-size : -1 87px; preferred-size : -1 87px; maximum-size : -1 87px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; text-margin-left : 0; text-margin-top : 0; text-margin-right : 0; text-margin-bottom : 0; text-wrap-mode : nowrap; text-eliding : false; } #CallUi_MuteButton_Video:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_MuteButton_Video:selected { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_HoldButton { font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm;//18px text-color : #8C8C8C; vertical-text-align : vcenter; horizontal-text-align : hcenter; icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-color :; background-image :; margin-left : 15px; margin-right : 15px; margin-top : 26px; // button margin (22) + separator bottom margin (4) margin-bottom : 0px; minimum-size : 95px 92px; // full height (113) - top margin (26) + text margin (5) preferred-size : 95px 92px; maximum-size : 95px 92px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; text-margin-left : 0; text-margin-top : 0; text-margin-right : 0; text-margin-bottom : 0; text-wrap-mode : nowrap; text-eliding : false; } #CallUi_HoldButton:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_HoldButton:selected { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_DialpadButton { font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm;//18px text-color : #8C8C8C; vertical-text-align : vcenter; horizontal-text-align : hcenter; icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-color :; background-image :; margin-left : 14px; margin-right : 0px; margin-top : 26px; // button margin (22) + separator bottom margin (4) margin-bottom : 0px; minimum-size : 95px 92px; // full height (113) - top margin (26) + text margin (5) preferred-size : 95px 92px; maximum-size : 95px 92px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; text-margin-left : 0; text-margin-top : 0; text-margin-right : 0; text-margin-bottom : 0; text-wrap-mode : nowrap; text-eliding : false; } #CallUi_DialpadButton:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_DialpadButton:selected { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_ViewMenuButton { background-image :; background-color :; icon-align : center; icon-size : 48px 48px; preferred-size : 48px 48px; minimum-size : 48px 48px; maximum-size : 48px 48px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; margin-left : 0px; margin-right : 0px; margin-top : 16px; margin-bottom : 0px; } #CallUi_ViewMenuButton:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_SilenceButton { preferred-size : 210px 64px; minimum-size : 210px 64px; maximum-size : 210px 64px; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; icon-align : center; icon-size : 48px 48px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-shadowed-background $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color :; content-opacity : 1.0; } #CallUi_SilenceButton:pressed { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-shadowed-background-pressed $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color :; } #CallUi_SilenceButton:disabled { background-image : meegotouch-callui-button-shadowed-background $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color :; content-opacity : 0.3; } #CallUi_ButtonGroup { margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 6px; padding-right : 6px; padding-top : 0px; padding-bottom : 24px; preferred-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 420px; minimum-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 420px; maximum-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 420px; } #CallUi_ButtonGroup_Incoming { margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 18px; padding-right : 18px; padding-top : 16px; padding-bottom : 113px; preferred-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 420px; minimum-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 420px; maximum-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 420px; } #CallUi_ButtonGroup_VideoPage_Incoming { margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 16px; padding-right : 16px; padding-top : 16px; padding-bottom : 24px; preferred-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 240px; minimum-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 240px; maximum-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 240px; } #CallUi_SplitButton { icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-image :; background-color :; margin-left : 16px; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 64px 64px; preferred-size : 64px 64px; maximum-size : 64px 64px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; } #CallUi_SplitButton:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } #CallUi_DropButton { icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-image :; background-color :; margin-left : 16px; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 64px 64px; preferred-size : 64px 64px; maximum-size : 64px 64px; press-feedback : priority2_callbutton_press; release-feedback : priority2_callbutton_release; cancel-feedback :; } #CallUi_DropButton:pressed { background-image :; background-color :; } // The mode switch slider SliderWidgetStyle { minimum-size : 128px 64px; preferred-size : 128px 64px; maximum-size : 128px 64px; margin-bottom : 0; margin-right : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-top : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-left : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; size : 128px 64px; thumb-size : 54px 54px; thumb-margin : 5px; icon-size : 48px 48px; icon-margin : 8px; background-image : meegotouch-videocall-camera-switch-background $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color :; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; } // *************************************************************************** // ** generic layout/policy without margins or spacing *********************** #ZeroLayout { vertical-spacing : 0; horizontal-spacing : 0; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; } // *************************************************************************** // ** invisible widget ******************************************************* #ZeroSizeWidget { minimum-size : 0 0; maximum-size : 0 0; preferred-size : 0 0; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; background-image : none; } // *************************************************************************** // ** icons ****************************************************************** #CallUi_InfoIcon_Single { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 32px 32px; maximum-size : 32px 32px; preferred-size : 32px 32px; } #CallUi_InfoIcon_Left { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 32px 32px; maximum-size : 32px 32px; preferred-size : 32px 32px; } #CallUi_InfoIcon_Right { margin-left : $MARGIN_LARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 32px 32px; maximum-size : 32px 32px; preferred-size : 32px 32px; } #CallUi_MinimizedCallIcon { maximum-size : 32px 32px; minimum-size : 32px 32px; preferred-size : 32px 32px; margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; } // *************************************************************************** // ** labels ***************************************************************** #CallUi_BalanceLabel { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm ;//18px color : #C8C8C8; } #CallUi_DurationLabel { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY light 2.2mm ;//22px color : #C8C8C8; } #CallUi_DurationLabel_Minimised { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY light 2.2mm ;//22px color : #C8C8C8; } #CallUi_NameLabel_In_Out { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; maximum-size : -1 38px; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 3.2mm ;//32px color : #FFFFFF; } #CallUi_NameLabel_Ongoing { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; maximum-size : -1 38px; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 3.2mm ;//32px color : #62B700; } #CallUi_NameLabel_Held { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; maximum-size : -1 38px; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 3.2mm ;//32px color : #C8C8C8; } #CallUi_NameLabel_Ended { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; maximum-size : -1 38px; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 3.2mm ;//32px color : #FF4036; } #CallUi_NameLabel_Minimised_In_Out { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 2.4mm ;//24px color : #FFFFFF; } #CallUi_NameLabel_Minimised_Ongoing { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 2.4mm ;//24px color : #62B700; } #CallUi_NameLabel_Minimised_Held { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 2.4mm ;//24px color : #C8C8C8; } #CallUi_NameLabel_Minimised_Ended{ margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 2.4mm ;//24px color : #FF4036; } #CallUi_StatusLabel { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm ;//18px color : #C8C8C8; } #CallUi_StatusLabel_Minimised { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm ;//18px color : #C8C8C8; } #CallUi_IncomingInfoLabel { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 0 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY light 2.2mm ;//22px color : #FF4036; // warning color } #CallUi_CameraModeLabel { margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 128px 23px; preferred-size : 128px 23px; maximum-size : 128px 23px; font : $FONT_FAMILY light 1.8mm ;//18px color : #C8C8C8; } // *************************************************************************** // ** Call UI - custom style for all the random stuff ************************ CustomAttributesStyle { // CallWidget y-position in different configurations call-pos-1 : 274; // From ALG: 64 +64 +63 +72 +12 (-1px correction for ALG values) call-pos-2-2 : 0; // always on top of the screen call-pos-3 : 0; // always on top of the screen call-pos-2-3 : 64; // below $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_MINIMIZED.height (64px) } // *************************************************************************** // ** CallWidget ************************************************************* CallWidgetStyle { margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; reactive-margin-left : 0; reactive-margin-right : 0; reactive-margin-top : 0; reactive-margin-bottom : 0; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; background-image :; background-color :; minimum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE; maximum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE; preferred-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE; // end button needs separate margins to prevent reactive area outside button graphics end-button-margin-left : 129px; // spec margin (135px) -button group padding (6px) end-button-margin-right : 50px; // spec margin view-menu-button-margin-right : 31px; // original margin (37px) - button group padding (6px) // some video view specific values video-controls-bg-pos : 592px 0px ; // FULL LS PAGE WIDTH (854px) -PREVIEW VIDEO WIDTH (246px) -PREVIEW VIDEO MARGINS (16px) video-controls-bg-size : 262px 444px; // PREVIEW VIDEO WIDTH (246px) -PREVIEW VIDEO MARGINS (16px), FULL PAGE HEIGHT - STATUS BAR video-controls-bg-size-fs : 262px 444px; // PREVIEW VIDEO WIDTH (246px) -PREVIEW VIDEO MARGINS (16px), FULL PAGE HEIGHT - STATUS BAR // TODO: use this once we are able to hide the the status bar //video-controls-bg-size-fs : 262px 480px; // PREVIEW VIDEO WIDTH (246px) -PREVIEW VIDEO MARGINS (16px), FULL PAGE HEIGHT video-controls-bg-opacity : 0.30; } #CallWidget_Minimized { minimum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_MINIMIZED; maximum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_MINIMIZED; preferred-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_MINIMIZED; background-image : meegotouch-callui-second-waiting-call-background; } #CallWidget_Video_Maximized { minimum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO_MAXIMIZED; maximum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO_MAXIMIZED; preferred-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO_MAXIMIZED; margin-left : 187px; } #CallWidget_Video_Minimized { minimum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO_MINIMIZED; maximum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO_MINIMIZED; preferred-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO_MINIMIZED; background-image : meegotouch-callui-second-waiting-call-background; } #CallWidget_Video { minimum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO; maximum-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO; preferred-size : $CALLWIDGET_SIZE_VIDEO; background-color : #000000; } // *************************************************************************** // ** call bubble widget ***************************************************** CallBubbleStyle { margin-left : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-right : $MARGIN_XLARGE; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 10px; // FIXME! padding-bottom : 18px; // FIXME! reactive-margin-left : 0; reactive-margin-right : 0; reactive-margin-top : 0; reactive-margin-bottom : 0; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; minimum-size : 448px 72px; // $PAGE_WIDTH (480px) - 2 * $MARGIN_XLARGE (2*16px) maximum-size : 448px 72px; // $PAGE_WIDTH (480px) - 2 * $MARGIN_XLARGE (2*16px) preferred-size : 448px 72px; // $PAGE_WIDTH (480px) - 2 * $MARGIN_XLARGE (2*16px) background-image : meegotouch-callui-bubble-background $CORNER_MARGINS; background-color :; // ** CallBubble specific items ** bubble-pos: 0px 190px; // 64 +64 +63 (-1px correction for ALG values) // animation update interval (fps) animation-fps: 15; // appear animation duration appear-time: 750; // ms // disappear animation duration disappear-time: 250; //ms // bubble hide delay hide-delay: 5000; // ms // service icon size (see #CallBubbleIcon) icon-size: 32px 32px; } #CallBubbleText { margin-left : 14px; margin-right : 14px; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; font : $FONT_FAMILY light uppercase 1.6mm; color : #FFFFFF; } #CallBubbleIcon { margin-left : 0; margin-right : 14px; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-left : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-bottom : 0; minimum-size : 32px 32px; maximum-size : 32px 32px; preferred-size : 32px 32px; } #CommonItemDividerInverted { margin-top : $MARGIN_LARGE; } // ** Speaker Dialog ******************************************************** #SpeakerDialogButton { font : $FONT_FAMILY light 2.0mm ; //20px text-color : #ffffff; vertical-text-align : vcenter; horizontal-text-align : hcenter; icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-color :; background-image :; margin-left : 16px; margin-right : 16px; margin-top : 47px; margin-bottom : 35px; minimum-size : -1 112px; preferred-size : -1 112px; maximum-size : -1 112px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; } #SpeakerDialogButton:selected { font : $FONT_FAMILY light 2.0mm ; //20px text-color : #0F9900; vertical-text-align : vcenter; horizontal-text-align : hcenter; icon-size : 64px 64px; icon-align : center; background-color :; background-image :; margin-left : 16px; margin-right : 16px; margin-top : 47px; margin-bottom : 35px; minimum-size : -1 112px; preferred-size : -1 112px; maximum-size : -1 112px; press-feedback :; release-feedback :; cancel-feedback :; } // ** Service Provider Dialog *********************************************** #CallUiServiceProviderCharacterCounter { margin-left : 24px; margin-right: 24px; } // ** screen lock widget ***************************************************** ScreenLockEventStyle { title-font : $FONT_FAMILY bold 4.8mm ;//48px title-color : $COLOR_INVERTED_FOREGROUND; sub-title-font : $FONT_FAMILY light 2.6mm ;//26px sub-title-color : $COLOR_INVERTED_FOREGROUND; text-area-color : "#64AF2D"; forward-icon : icon-m-telephony-call-diverted 32 32; service-icon-size : 32 32; minimum-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 130; preferred-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 130; maximum-size : $PAGE_WIDTH 190; background-color : #000000; background-opacity : 0.8; // left margin 16px right-margin : 16; title-line-1-pos : 16 60; title-line-2-pos : 16 120; sub-title-pos : 16 168; icon-pos-1 : 432 136; // left_pos = page_width(480) -right_margin(16) -icon_size(32) icon-pos-2 : 395 136; // left_pos = service_icon_pos -icon_spacer(5) -icon_size(32) } // * Participant Dialog ******************************************************* #CallUiParticipantIconButton { minimum-size : $SIZE_BUTTON $SIZE_BUTTON; preferred-size : $SIZE_BUTTON $SIZE_BUTTON; maximum-size : $SIZE_BUTTON $SIZE_BUTTON; margin-left : $MARGIN_DEFAULT; margin-top : $MARGIN_LARGE; margin-right : $INDENT_DEFAULT; margin-bottom : $MARGIN_LARGE; icon-size : $SIZE_ICON_XLARGE $SIZE_ICON_XLARGE; } // ** End of File ************************************************************Скачать: оригинальная call-ui_pr1.3.css, модифицированная call-ui_pr1.3_mod.css
- Подключите телефон по USB в режиме "mass storage" и скопируйте call-ui_pr1.3_mod.css в каталог Downloads.
- Отключите телефон от USB.
- Запустите терминал и введите следующие команды:
devel-su Password: rootme cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads cp call-ui_pr1.3_mod.css /usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/call-ui/style/call-ui.css /sbin/reboot
- Подключите телефон по USB в режиме "mass storage" и скопируйте call-ui_pr1.3.css в каталог Downloads.
- Отключите телефон от USB.
- Запустите терминал и введите следующие команды:
devel-su Password: rootme cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads cp call-ui_pr1.3.css /usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/call-ui/style/call-ui.css /sbin/reboot
Update 2012/03/07
В процессе тестирования обнаружились недочеты, которые сейчас устраняются.
Поэтому с установкой этого мода советую пока подождать.
Обсуждение на форуме http://forum.allnokia.ru/. Пожелания лучше постить сюда, что бы мне их было легче отслеживать. Если лень писать сюда, то постите в ветку форума.
После исправления ошибок и доработки соберу deb-пакет, чтобы не гемороиться с терминалом.
Update 2012/03/12
Увеличил кнопки в двух экранах. Обновленную версию опубликовал.

Update 2012/07/04
В связи с обновлением PR1.3 произвел ревизию и обновил мод и инструкцию.